1. Create a method called getCharacterHtml that performs the
same tasks as our current renderCharacter function.
2. Create two new instances of Character. One for a hero,
called "wizard", and one for a monster, called "orc".
Render both of them on the page.
3. Delete both the old renderCharacter function and the two
lines of code at the bottom of the page which invoke that
function Character(data) {
this.elementId = data.elementId;
this.name = data.name;
this.avatar = data.avatar;
this.health = data.health;
this.diceCount = data.diceCount;
function renderCharacter(data) {
const { elementId, name, avatar, health, diceCount } = data;
const diceHtml = getDiceHtml(diceCount)
document.getElementById(elementId).innerHTML =
`<div class="character-card">
<h4 class="name"> ${name} </h4>
<img class="avatar" src="${avatar}" />
<div class="health">health: <b> ${health} </b></div>
<div class="dice-container">
function getDiceRollArray(diceCount) {
return new Array(diceCount).fill(0).map(function(){
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1
function getDiceHtml(diceCount) {
return getDiceRollArray(diceCount).map(function(num){
return `<div class="dice">${num}</div>`
const hero = {
elementId: "hero",
name: "Wizard",
avatar: "images/wizard.png",
health: 60,
diceCount: 3
const monster = {
elementId: "monster",
name: "Orc",
avatar: "images/orc.png",
health: 10,
diceCount: 1