Study group
Collaborate with peers in your dedicated #study-group channel.
Code reviews
Submit projects for review using the /review
command in your #code-reviews channel
Our goal is to create the best possible coding school at the cost of a gym membership. If we succeed with this, it will give anyone who wants to become a software developer a realistic shot at succeeding. Regardless of where they live and the size of their wallets.
To achieve this, we have created a new video format for code screencasts. We call it “scrims”. This format is the backbone of our school. Not only because it results in a superior learning experience. But also because it enables us to iterate more quickly, to attract better teachers, to facilitate better peer-learning, to keep server costs low, and much more.
If you're a teacher who's interested in creating a course on Scrimba, please send us an email with an example video where you teach a topic to
Scrimba AS is a remote company based in Oslo, Norway. We're backed by StartupLab, Nordic Makers, Alliance Venture and Amasia. You can follow the company on Twitter here.
Wants everyone to have a shot at improving their lives by learning to code.
Checks that things are running and tends to the garden 🌱
Helping others achieve their career goals
Taking the pain out of learning to code 😫 ➡️ 🥳
Fond of coffee, code and cats. Works on live streams, emails and building internal apps! 👩🏻🔧
Just a guy trying to make cool things.
Here to help with any Scrimba support needs.
Head of ideas department. Thrives in unexplored land 🏝
Likes to meditate, code, and help others learn.
Design, branding, UX/UI, Figma files, and a whole lot more!
Loves: Looking out the window. Hates: Cats.