Build a Role-Playing Game
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Build a Role-Playing Game

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Next-level JavaScript Intro
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The course creator Tom Chant

with Tom Chant

Course level: Intermediate

Build an addictive RPG game while learning to use more advanced JS concepts including classes and constructor functions.

What's inside

This course contains 83 interactive scrims spread across 4 modules.

two girls

You'll learn

object destructuring

arrow functions

map() method

.join() method

.reduce method

ternary operator



constructor functions



JS patterns

You'll build

Role-playing Game



Before taking this course, you should have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Below are our suggested resource to get you up to speed.

Meet your teacher

The course creator

Tom Chant

I’m a tutor at Scrimba and I’ve been messing around with websites since 2004. I’m aiming to take the pain out of learning to code.

Why this course rocks

Build an addictive RPG game while learning to use more advanced JS array methods and concepts.

Spanning nearly 5 hours of in-depth lessons and challenging tasks, this course is a treasure trove for intermediate-level developers aiming to augment their skillset.

By introducing you to authentic coding experiences, we aim to enhance both your comprehension and application of key JavaScript concepts.

With every task, you'll be utilising JavaScript features such as object destructuring, arrow functions, the .map() and .reduce() methods, constructor functions, and JS classes as you build up the codebase.

As you progress, each completed task allows you to contrast your solution with that of the teacher. This collaborative perspective not only refines your code but also ensures you're on the right path, learning and adapting as you go.

You should come equipped with foundational knowledge in HTML, CSS, and core JavaScript. By the conclusion of this epic journey, you'll possess both the theoretical insights and the hands-on experience needed to conjure and helm your own role-playing games using advanced JavaScript techniques.

Eager to start your gaming development saga? Set forth, intrepid coder!