The Vue Bootcamp
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The Vue Bootcamp

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This bootcamp includes

9 hours of content
Certificate of completion
Tons of interactive challenges
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The course creator Victor Gonzalez

with Victor Gonzalez

Course level: Intermediate

This bootcamp will turn you into a professional Vue developer through mix of lectures and interactive coding exercises.

What's inside

This course contains 82 interactive scrims spread across 10 modules.

two girls

You'll learn

Vue basics


Control flow

State handling



Vue Router



Single File Components


Using APIs

Two-way binding



Dynamic routes

Template syntax

Advanced concepts

You'll build

eCommerce checkout app

Practice Vue by building a checkout app, an essential part of all eCommerce sites.

The $vue transactions app

This capstone project will bring all your skill together in one app.



Before taking this course, you should have a solid understanding of JavaScript. If you're not there yet, try our recommended course:

Meet your teacher

The course creator

Leanne from Scrimba

Apart from Scrimba, my main interests are coffee, code and cats.

Why this course rocks

If you want to reach a hireable level in Vue JS, you've come to the right place. This course will teach it to you faster than anywhere else, thanks to a world-class instructor combined with Scrimba's interactive learning experience.

What is Vue?

Vue. js is a progressive JavaScript framework that allows you to easily create user interfaces. It features a superior developer experience while also leaving you free to import or integrate existing libraries and tools.

Why learn Vue?

Vue is one of the hottest JavaScript frameworks in 2021, and the demand for Vue developers by far outstrips the supply. So learning Vue JS will give your career a solid boost.

Here are some more reasons to learn Vue:

It’s approachable. First of all, Vue is very approachable. You don't have to dive in the deep end from day one but rather, you can dip your toes and test the water.

It’s versatile. Vue's concise syntax is easy to understand due to it's HTML-like attributes. Vue also has a robust ecosystem built around it that can lend itself to just about any project, big or small.

It’s performant. Vue offers first-party libraries maintained by the Vue core team that extend its functionality beyond the View Layer.

Finally, it's tiny. Weighing in at just 20kb, the Vue library is very performant and feels fast and snappy without any performance enhancements necessary.