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Bring a Frontend Mentor design to life and create your own design system while building a multi-page space travel website with Kevin Powell as your guide.
This course contains 66 interactive scrims spread across 5 modules.
21 lessons2 hours 7 min
9 lessons 59 min
13 lessons1 hour 14 min
10 lessons1 hour 11 min
13 lessons1 hour 15 min
Creating design systems
CSS resets
Utility classes
Using color
Responsive typography
Adding spacing
Effective buttons
Underline indicators
Dot indicators
Number indicators
Grid containers
Adding background images
Open/close buttons
Accessibility tweaks
Skip to content
The picture element
Keyboard navigation
Build a sleek mult-page space travel website, designed by Frontend Mentor.
Before taking this course, you should have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Here’s our suggested resource to get you up to speed.
Hi, I'm Kevin. I love to teach people how to make the web and how to make it look good while they're at it. Over 300.000 people follow my tutorials on YouTube. I learned to make websites on my own. I know how fun and rewarding it is, but I also know that it can be incredibly frustrating. I'm here to help make your journey into web development as easy and as fun as possible.
Follow me on twitterBuild a Space Travel Website is the perfect course for frontend developers who want to practice bringing high-quality Figma designs to life in the browser.
It’s the ultimate collab: Frontend Mentor on design, Scrimba on toolkit, Kevin Powell as a guide and you as developer.
During the course, you’ll test your HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills by building out a responsive, multi-page site featuring a homepage, buttons, a navigation bar, tabs, keyboard navigation and underline, dot and number indicators.
You’ll also learn how to create an effective design system to ensure that your site is sharp and professional, and your coding is as efficient as possible.
You’ll get as much independent practice as possible in this course, using detailed designs in Figma to craft a site which looks amazing on a variety of screen sizes and browsers.
Thanks to Scrimba's interactive technology, you’ll build the muscle memory you need to become a truly efficient developer.
After completing this course, you’ll have a deep understanding of CSS and responsive design and the knowledge to build an interactive site which users will adore.
Support during the course: While we can't offer one-to-one support (yet!), our friendly Discord community is waiting to welcome your questions, share ideas with you, or just chat on a coffee break.