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Subscription includes
This course will teach you to build and deploy a neat portfolio for yourself. Perfect to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers. You also get $100 in free credits from DigitalOcean!
This course contains 22 interactive scrims
Before taking this course, you should have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS. Here’s our suggested resource to get you up to speed.
Hi, I'm Kevin. I love to teach people how to make the web and how to make it look good while they're at it. Over 300.000 people follow my tutorials on YouTube. I learned to make websites on my own. I know how fun and rewarding it is, but I also know that it can be incredibly frustrating. I'm here to help make your journey into web development as easy and as fun as possible.
Follow me on twitterAs developers and designers, we need to ways to showcase our skills to potential employers. There's no better way of doing this than a dedicated portfolio page. It gives you full control of how you'd like to present yourself.
In this course, the brilliant teacher Kevin Powell will take you through every single step of building a neat-looking portfolio website. You'll also learn to customize it to suit your personal style. Towards the end of the course, Kevin shows you how to deplopy the site to DigitalOcean, so that you will end up with a live website upon completing the course!
The site is built without using any web frameworks, so the only prerequesites for this course are basic HTML and CSS skills.
Get $100 free credits from DigitalOcean
As a part of the course, you'll get $100 in free credits from DigitalOcean (new accounts only) so that you won't need to pay to get your site off the ground. The credits are valid for 60 days, so you'll have plenty of time to deploy and experiment with your live site without having to pay.
Enroll now to get your $100 free credits!
This course is also a part of our hugely popular Front-End Devloper Career Path.