//Test your function with a few different use cases
const convertHexToRGB = (hex) => {
if(!isValidHex(hex)) return null;
let strippedHex = hex.replace('#','');
if(strippedHex.length === 3) {
strippedHex = strippedHex[0] + strippedHex[0]
+ strippedHex[1] + strippedHex[1]
+ strippedHex[2] + strippedHex[2];
const r = parseInt(strippedHex.substring(0,2), 16);
const g = parseInt(strippedHex.substring(2,4), 16);
const b = parseInt(strippedHex.substring(4,6), 16);
return {r,g,b}
const hexInput = document.getElementById('hexInput');
const inputColor = document.getElementById('inputColor');
hexInput.addEventListener('keyup', () => {
const hex = hexInput.value;
if(!isValidHex(hex)) return;
const strippedHex = hex.replace('#', '');
inputColor.style.backgroundColor = "#" + strippedHex;
const isValidHex = (hex) => {
if(!hex) return false;
const strippedHex = hex.replace('#', '');
return strippedHex.length === 3 || strippedHex.length === 6;
//Create a function to convert Hex to RGB
//this should work with 3 or 6 character hex values
//Hint - use parseInt("", 16) to convert a hex value to a decimal value
//should return an object with 3 properties - r,g, and b