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This ES6 tutorial teaches you modern JavaScript through 23 screencasts. You'll get a systematic walk-through of the most important ES6+ features so that you can start using them in your JavaScript projects today.
This course contains 37 interactive scrims
Template Literals
Object Literal
For of loop
Spread operator
Rest operator
Arrow Functions
Default Params
Let & const
Export & import
String.padStrart(), String.padEnd()
Trailing commas
Before taking this course, you should have a basic understanding of JavaScript. Here’s our suggested resource to get you up to speed.
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Follow me on twitterThis course will teach you the most modern features of JavaScript, also known as ES6+. ES6 is short for ECMAScript 6, and the plus sign (+) signals that we're also including features from even newer versions of ECMAScript.
JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It’s used almost everywhere: from large-scale web applications to complex servers to mobile and even in IoT devices. So this course is perfect for developers who want to ensure that their skills are relevant in a broad range of areas. Plus, it only takes an hour to complete!
If you need a refresher on basic JavaScript first, please take our Intro to JavaScript course..
The instructor Dylan Israel runs the popular YouTube channel Coding Tutorials 360 and he has also previously created two successful Scrimba courses, so you can rest assured that you're in good hands.
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ECMA means European Computer Manufacturer's Association. ECMAScript is a programming language standard and JavaScript is its implementation. ECMAScript specifies the core features that a language should provide and how those features should be implemented. JavaScript was originally created at Netscape, and they wanted to standardize the language. So, they submitted the language to the European Computer Manufacturer's Association (ECMA) for standardization. But there were trademark issues with the name JavaScript, and the standard became called ECMAScript, which is the name it holds today as well.
ECMAScript 6 (ES6 for short) is the sixth edition of the ECMA-262 standard and features major changes and improvements to the ECMAScript specification.
While learning ES6 you will cover many topics related to ES5. Many tutorials also present a particular ES6 feature in the light of the improvements it brings compared to the way things used to work with ES5.
Vanilla Javascript is another way of saying 'plain Javascript'. ES6 is a set of language features of Javascript.
ES6 (ECMAScript 6) is the next edition of the ECMA-262 standard. It improves the previous edition and adds some new syntax and functionality. Most of the improvements are covered in the course, so dive straight in to discover the differences.