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Bonus Imba Styling Features
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Bonus Imba Styling Features
Bonus Imba Styling Features
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css section inset:0 d:flex g:10px ja:center

tag conditional-styles
prop lightsOn = false
css size:50px rd:full bgc:gray4
<self [bgc:red4]=lightsOn >

imba.mount <section>
<conditional-styles lightsOn=false>
<conditional-styles lightsOn=true>

# ==================================================

# tag conditional-classes
# prop lightsOn = false
# css size:50px rd:full bgc:gray4
# css .light bgc:green4
# <self .light=lightsOn>

# imba.mount <section>
# <conditional-classes lightsOn=false>
# <conditional-classes lightsOn=true>

# ==================================================

# tag class-modifiers
# prop lightsOn = false
# css size:50px rd:full
# bgc:gray4 .light:amber5
# <self .light=lightsOn>

# imba.mount <section>
# <class-modifiers lightsOn=false>
# <class-modifiers lightsOn=true>

# ==================================================

# tag interpolated-classes
# prop lightType = "stop"
# css size:50px rd:full bgc:gray2
# d:flex ja:center c:black/70 fs:sm
# &.off bgc:gray4
# &.stop bgc:red4
# &.slow bgc:amber5
# &.go bgc:green4

# <self.{lightType}> ".{lightType}"

# imba.mount <section>
# <interpolated-classes lightType="off">
# <interpolated-classes lightType="go">
# <interpolated-classes lightType="slow">
# <interpolated-classes lightType="stop">

# ==================================================

# tag interpolated-styles
# prop hue = 0.2
# css size:20px rd:xs
# <self [bgc:hsl({hue}turn, 85%, 50%)]>

# # tag interpolated-styles
# # prop hue = 0.2
# # prop val = 0
# # css size:20px rd:xs tween:all 100ms ease pos:relative
# # <self
# # [scale:2 zi:10]=(val != 0)
# # [rotate:{val}deg bgc:hsl({hue}turn, 85%, 50%)]
# # @touch.sync(self, 'val')
# # >

# imba.mount do <section>
# for num in [0...10]
# <interpolated-styles hue=(num * 0.1)>

# ==================================================

# tag css-in-tags
# prop hue = 0.2
# <self>
# css size:20px rd:xs bgc:hsl({hue}turn, 85%, 50%)

# imba.mount <section>
# for num in [0...10]
# <css-in-tags hue=(num * 0.1)>

# ==================================================

# tag variables

# # css --primary-color:rose7
# # --secondary-color:orange2

# # css button color:var(--primary-color)

# css $primary-color:rose7
# $secondary-color:orange2

# css a
# c:$primary-color
# text-decoration:underline
# text-decoration-color:$secondary-color
# text-decoration-thickness:3px

# css button bgc:$secondary-color c:$primary-color rd:md p:3px px:10px

# <self[d:vflex g:10px ja:center]>
# <button> "Button"
# <a hre="#"> "Link"

# imba.mount <section>
# <variables>