Frontend Career Path
Working with APIs
Async JS
War - Determine winning card part 2
Go Pro!Bootcamp


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War - Determine winning card part 2
War - Determine winning card part 2
Expand for more info
let deckId
const cardsContainer = document.getElementById("cards")
const newDeckBtn = document.getElementById("new-deck")
const drawCardBtn = document.getElementById("draw-cards")

function handleClick() {
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {
deckId = data.deck_id

newDeckBtn.addEventListener("click", handleClick)

drawCardBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {
cardsContainer.children[0].innerHTML = `
<img src=${[0].image} class="card" />
cardsContainer.children[1].innerHTML = `
<img src=${[1].image} class="card" />
* Challenge:
* Try to determine which of the 2 cards is the "winner" (has higher value)
* Aces are the card with the highest "score"
* Part 2:
* Instead of logging the winner to the console,
* display an `h2` on the screen above the 2 cards
* that declares who the winner is.
* If card1 is the higher card, display "Computer wins!"
* If card2 is the higher card, display "You win!"
* If they're equal, display "War!"

function determineCardWinner(card1, card2) {
const valueOptions = ["2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
"10", "JACK", "QUEEN", "KING", "ACE"]
const card1ValueIndex = valueOptions.indexOf(card1.value)
const card2ValueIndex = valueOptions.indexOf(card2.value)
console.log("card 1:", card1ValueIndex)
console.log("card 2:", card2ValueIndex)

if (card1ValueIndex > card2ValueIndex) {
console.log("Card 1 wins!")
} else if (card1ValueIndex < card2ValueIndex) {
console.log("Card 2 wins!")
} else {
console.log("It's a tie!")

// Keeping this test case for reference, but should delete later
// const card1Obj = {
// value: "JACK"
// }
// const card2Obj = {
// value: "QUEEN"
// }

// determineCardWinner(card1Obj, card2Obj)