Not divisible by 3 or 5 - :(
Write a program to loop through all the ID numbers and print their prize.
Your function's output should look something like this:
1 - :(
2 - :(
3 - Vacation!
4 - :(
5 - $100,000 bonus!
Hint: Remainder operator, modulo
function awardBonuses(){
/* Totally Not Another FizzBuzz
Scrimba CEO Per Borgen wants you to write a program to grant special bonuses to all his employees
based on their employee ID numbers!
Scrimba has 100 employees and their employee ID numbers range from 1 - 100. If the employee's ID
number is:
Divisible by 3 - Vacation!
Divisible by 5 - $100,000 bonus!
Divisible by both 3 and 5 - JACKPOT! 1 Million and a Yacht!