CHALLENGE: change the background to one you like
--background-image: var(--forest);
CHALLENGE: change the main color to one you like!
--main-color: var(--blood);
CHALLENGE: change the font to one you think is cool
font-family: var(--simple-font);
.grid {
BONUS CHALLENGE: adjust how many columns you'd like to have
column-count: 2;
column-gap: 10px;
.img {
BONUS CHALLENGE: uncomment the code below,
and choose your favourite border
border-image: var(--sweets) 100;
--bubbles: url
--crackle: url
--sparkle: url
--rainbow: url
--smoke: url
--nightsky: url
--sunset: url
/* COLORS */
--blood: #8a0303;
--slime: #228B22;
--gloom: #2B363B;
--candy: #ee698e;
--purple: #7B1E7A;
--blue: #2176AE;
--olive: #A6C48A;
--royal: #0A1045;
--lilac: #B8AED6;
--snow: #f4f9e9;
/* FONTS */
--scary-font: 'Metal Mania';
--typewriter-font: 'Inconsolata';
--funny-font: 'Balsamiq Sans';
--curly-font: 'Pacifico';
--old-style-font: 'Cinzel';
--simple-font: 'Noto Sans HK';
--funky-font: 'MuseoModerno';
--sweet-font: 'Lobster';
body {