Frontend Career Path
Essential CSS concepts
Build an NFT Site
Semantic HTML - Header, Main, Section, Footer
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Semantic HTML - Header, Main, Section, Footer
Semantic HTML - Header, Main, Section, Footer
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css">

1. Convert all <div> tags to semantic html tags.
2. Think carefully about where to place the
<main> tag.

<h1>Insanely Expensive JPEGs</h1>
<h3>(Also known as NFTs)</h3>

<h2>Meta-Pigeon Sneaker NFT $33,000</h2>
<img src="images/sneakers-purple.png" alt="Purple and silver sneakers">
<p><strong>At $33k, this NFT sneaker is super good value!</strong></p>
<p>If you've got lots of money and you're a bit daft, NFTs are a
great way to pay for something that doesn't have any intrinsic
value or even exist. Tech fashionistas are jumping on the NFT
bandwagon and spending eye-watering sums of money on crypto images.
Our advice: spend the weekend <a href="">crafting an NFT</a> and by
this time next week, you'll be a millionaire.</p>
<a href="#">Buy NFT</a>
<a href="#">More info</a>

<h2>For the true Crypto-connoisseur</h2>
<img src="images/crypto-punk.jpg" alt="punk with blach hair and red and blue glasses">
<img src="images/bag.svg" alt="Seven items from a game listed in white on a black background">
<p>Is $33k for sneakers too basic for you? No problem! This CryptoPunk
(left) is a steal at $6.6 million! Which makes Bag #748 (right) a
total bargain at $1.4 million. And by the way, that's not a VS
Code screenshot we included by mistake. The eight lines of white text
on a black background is the actual NFT we're selling.</p>
<a href="#">About Us</a>
<a href="#">Contact</a>
<p>Still not convinced? To be honest, nor are we. That's why we're selling
them, not buying them.</p>

<p>&copy; 2022</p>
