import React from "react"
import { IoPersonSharp } from "react-icons/io5"
* Challenge: Create a flexible Avatar component!
* Check the slides for notes on how the component
* should be used.
* Each of the 3 different avatars should have a
* wrapper div with the classes below:
* With image: `avatar`
* With initials: `avatar avatar-letters`
* Anonymous: `avatar avatar-icon`
* E.g. <Avatar>BZ</Avatar> should render
* <div className="avatar avatar-letters">...</div>
* Check the file if you are really stuck.
* Randomize the background color of the non-image
* avatars. Check the styles.css for some pre-written
* color classes to add to the wrapper div.
export default function Avatar() {
return (
<h2>Avatar component here!</h2>