1. Put all of the data in its own file called
data.js, and export it back into index.js.
Make any changes to index.html that are
necessary to make this work.
2. Log out tweetsData.
const tweetsData = [
handle: `@TrollBot66756542 💎`,
profilePic: `images/troll.jpg`,
likes: 27,
retweets: 10,
tweetText: `Buy Bitcoin, ETH Make 💰💰💰 low low prices.
Guaranteed return on investment. HMU DMs open!!`,
replies: [],
isLiked: false,
isRetweeted: false,
uuid: '4b161eee-c0f5-4545-9c4b-8562944223ee',
handle: `@Elon ✅`,
profilePic: `images/musk.png`,
likes: 6500,
retweets: 234,
tweetText: `I need volunteers for a one-way mission to Mars 🪐. No experience necessary🚀`,
replies: [
handle: `@TomCruise ✅`,
profilePic: `images/tcruise.png`,
tweetText: `Yes! Sign me up! 😎🛩`,
handle: `@ChuckNorris ✅`,
profilePic: `images/chucknorris.jpeg`,
tweetText: `I went last year😴`,
isLiked: false,
isRetweeted: false,
uuid: '3c23454ee-c0f5-9g9g-9c4b-77835tgs2',
handle: `@NoobCoder12`,
profilePic: `images/flower.png`,
likes: 10,
retweets: 3,
tweetText: `Are you a coder if you only know HTML?`,
replies: [
handle: `@StackOverflower ☣️`,
profilePic: `images/overflow.png`,
tweetText: `No. Onviosuly not. Go get a job in McDonald's.`,
handle: `@YummyCoder64`,
profilePic: `images/love.png`,
tweetText: `You are wonderful just as you are! ❤️`,
isLiked: false,
isRetweeted: false,
uuid: '8hy671sff-c0f5-4545-9c4b-1237gyys45',