import podcasts from "./data.js";
/* 🌴 Save the Weekend 🌴
Your best friend is a copywriter who writes product descriptions
for a living. You want to use your hacking skills to help them
automate their job so you both can spend the weekend on a
tropical island.
Use array methods and the existing podcast data to write a function that
can generate a description for each podcast.
Add the description as a new property on each podcast object, and return
a new podcast array where each podcast has a description.
Each description should look like this:
id: 1,
title: "Scrimba Podcast",
description: "Scrimba Podcast is a 50 minute education podcast hosted
by Alex Booker."
If the podcast has more than one host, you can display only the first host.
Stretch goal: Display all three hosts in the description, seperated with commas:
Example description: "Coding Corner is a 55 minute education podcast hosted by Treasure Porth, Guil
Hernandez, and Tom Chant."
function createDescriptionsFor(data){