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<h1>The Scrimba Times</h1>
<h2>Facebook fails to buy Scrimba</h2>
Scrimba management today turned down a $15bn offer from Mark Zuckerberg on the basis that Facebook is actually quite annoying... <a href="/" class="read-more">read more</a>.
<h2>Quantum Computing Breakthrough</h2>
Scientists have achieved something that was previosuly the stuff of Sci-Fi films. They have stopped content overflowing in CSS... <a href="/" class="read-more">read more</a>.
<h2>Printers Can Smell Fear</h2>
Scientists at a university in Tajikistan have found that printers can sense when you're up against a deadline...<a href="/" class="read-more">read more</a>.
<h2>Hiring Manager Writes Fair Job Spec</h2>
A hiring manager in the Leuven, Belgium, wrote a job spec for a junior developer that didn't require 10 years experience with React...<a href="/" class="read-more">read more</a>.
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