Frontend Career Path
Working with APIs
Promise Rejection
Add Author Info
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* Challenge part 2: Display the image's author
* With the data you've already fetched, display the name of the
* image author on the page. They show up as the "user" in the data
* returned from the API.
* Don't worry about positioning the author in the lower-left yet.

.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => { = `url(${data.urls.regular})`

* {
id: "KMn4VEeEPR8",
created_at: "2017-10-09T01:04:47-04:00",
updated_at: "2021-06-02T09:02:25-04:00",
promoted_at: "2017-10-09T09:31:35-04:00",
width: 4621,
height: 3072,
color: "#c0c0c0",
blur_hash: "LXL|_q}qn$IoPAn%Rjj?ogNboLs:",
description: "The last night of a two week stay on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii.",
alt_description: "seashore during golden hour",
urls: {
raw: "",
full: "",
regular: "",
small: "",
thumb: ""
links: {
self: "",
html: "",
download: "",
download_location: ""
categories: [],
likes: 8437,
liked_by_user: false,
current_user_collections: [],
sponsorship: null,
user: {
id: "qlQ_KKvUq7k",
updated_at: "2021-06-02T15:34:44-04:00",
username: "seantookthese",
name: "Sean O.",
first_name: "Sean",
last_name: "O.",
twitter_username: "notseano",
portfolio_url: "",
bio: "22-year-old magician and lifestyle photographer living in Portland, Oregon.",
location: "Portland, OR",
links: {
self: "",
html: "",
photos: "",
likes: "",
portfolio: "",
following: "",
followers: ""
profile_image: {
small: "",
medium: "",
large: ""
instagram_username: "notseano",
total_collections: 0,
total_likes: 6,
total_photos: 8,
accepted_tos: true,
for_hire: false
exif: {
make: "Canon",
model: "Canon EOS REBEL T3i",
exposure_time: "1/250",
aperture: "4.5",
focal_length: "10.0",
iso: 200
location: {
title: "North Shore, Waialua, United States",
name: "North Shore, Waialua, United States",
city: "Waialua",
country: "United States",
position: {
latitude: 21.5616575,
longitude: -158.0715983
views: 116340693,
downloads: 1237140