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Advanced React
React Router
🔀 Optional Side Quest - Building out the Host Vans List and Detail Pages
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🔀 Optional Side Quest - Building out the Host Vans List and Detail Pages
🔀 Optional Side Quest - Building out the Host Vans List and Detail Pages
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import { createServer, Model } from "miragejs"

models: {
vans: Model,

seeds(server) {
server.create("van", { id: "1", name: "Modest Explorer", price: 60, description: "The Modest Explorer is a van designed to get you out of the house and into nature. This beauty is equipped with solar panels, a composting toilet, a water tank and kitchenette. The idea is that you can pack up your home and escape for a weekend or even longer!", imageUrl: "", type: "simple", hostId: "123" })
server.create("van", { id: "2", name: "Beach Bum", price: 80, description: "Beach Bum is a van inspired by surfers and travelers. It was created to be a portable home away from home, but with some cool features in it you won't find in an ordinary camper.", imageUrl: "", type: "rugged", hostId: "123" })
server.create("van", { id: "3", name: "Reliable Red", price: 100, description: "Reliable Red is a van that was made for travelling. The inside is comfortable and cozy, with plenty of space to stretch out in. There's a small kitchen, so you can cook if you need to. You'll feel like home as soon as you step out of it.", imageUrl: "", type: "luxury", hostId: "456" })
server.create("van", { id: "4", name: "Dreamfinder", price: 65, description: "Dreamfinder is the perfect van to travel in and experience. With a ceiling height of 2.1m, you can stand up in this van and there is great head room. The floor is a beautiful glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) which is easy to clean and very hard wearing. A large rear window and large side windows make it really light inside and keep it well ventilated.", imageUrl: "", type: "simple", hostId: "789" })
server.create("van", { id: "5", name: "The Cruiser", price: 120, description: "The Cruiser is a van for those who love to travel in comfort and luxury. With its many windows, spacious interior and ample storage space, the Cruiser offers a beautiful view wherever you go.", imageUrl: "", type: "luxury", hostId: "789" })
server.create("van", { id: "6", name: "Green Wonder", price: 70, description: "With this van, you can take your travel life to the next level. The Green Wonder is a sustainable vehicle that's perfect for people who are looking for a stylish, eco-friendly mode of transport that can go anywhere.", imageUrl: "", type: "rugged", hostId: "123" })

routes() {
this.namespace = "api"
this.logging = false

this.get("/vans", (schema, request) => {
return schema.vans.all()

this.get("/vans/:id", (schema, request) => {
const id =
return schema.vans.find(id)

this.get("/host/vans", (schema, request) => {
// Hard-code the hostId for now
return schema.vans.where({ hostId: "123" })

this.get("/host/vans/:id", (schema, request) => {
// Hard-code the hostId for now
const id =
return schema.vans.where({ id, hostId: "123" })