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This tutorial teaches you CSS Flexbox through 12 interactive screencasts. You'll learn all the key concepts in addition to building a responsive navbar and a neat image grid.
This course contains 14 interactive scrims
Flexbox Basics
Main axis
Cross axis
Justify content
Positioning items
The flex property
Align items
Flex direction
Flex grow, shrink, basis
Creating Navbar
Creating image grid
Before taking this course, you should have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS. Here’s our suggested resource to get you up to speed.
Front-end developer and co-founder of Scrimba. Per loves helping other people learn new skills so that they can improve their lives. He makes his tutorials as simple as humanly possible, and focus on getting the students to the point where they can start building projects on their own.
Follow me on twitterOnce you've learned CSS Flexbox, you'll wonder how you ever managed to build websites without it. It gives you all the tools you needed in order to properly arrange content inside flexible containers.
Given that all websites need to be flexible and responsive these days, Flexbox is a must-have skill for web developers.
Course content
This course is focused on getting you up to speed as quickly as possible. Even if you only watch the first lectures, you'll be able to take advantage of your new skills in your next project.
I'll give you several exercises throughout the course, so that you'll be able to get your hands dirty as well. We'll use a navbar as an example layout, as that's a very typical use case for Flexbox.
In the bonus screencasts, we'll tie everything together and build two real-world examples: an awesome image grid and a fully responsive navbar. You can follow the course creator Per Harald Borgen on Twitter here.
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Flexbox has many uses, including scaling, vertically and horizontally aligning, re-ordering elements within a container, or changing the direction of a column or a row.
Absolutely! If you wish to learn how to make fully responsive sites, Flexbox is one aspect you should learn about.
Flexbox is simpler and more responsive than Bootstrap. In our book, that's a win for Team Flexbox!
Flexbox is best for one-dimensional layouts and Grid is best for two-dimensional layouts. If you’re laying out items in one direction (for example three buttons inside a header), then you should use Flexbox. This will give you more flexibility than CSS Grid, be easier to maintain, and require less code. However, if you’re going to create an entire layout in two dimensions — with both rows and columns — then it's time for CSS Grid.