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Build your first mobile app using HTML, CSS and JavaScript + Firebase. Firebase is a magical database service that lets you easily make realtime apps.
This course contains 37 interactive scrims
Firebase: initializeApp
Firebase: getDatabase
Firebase: reference
Firebase: push
Firebase: onValue
Firebase: snapshot
Firebase: remove
Object → Array
Flexbox: flex-wrap
Flexbox: gap
Setting the viewport
Web Application Manifest
Easily create a shopping list for your home with your partner, family or flatmates.
Before taking this course, you should have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Below are our suggested resource to get you up to speed.
Been obsessed with the computer ever since I was a young kid. It was my first love. Created my first video tutorial in 2005 at the age of 14. Almost 20 years later and I'm doing the same here at Scrimba. Hah take that mom and dad! Who's wasting their life on the computer now?
Have you ever thought, "It would be so cool if I could make an app to solve a problem in my life!"
No? You haven't huh? Oh... ok then maybe this course isn't for you.
But! If you're part of the group that answered 'YES!', then please keep reading.
In this course, we'll build a sweet shopping list app using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Firebase. Firebase will allow us to use a realtime database to store our app's data.
So if you've always wanted to learn about databases but were waiting for the right course to come along, then this is it!
But I'll give you something even better. By using a special technique, we're going to transform our web app into a mobile app!
Now it won't be a native mobile app, but show it to anyone you know and they will not be able to tell the difference. What we'll be building is technically called a PWA, or Progressive Web App. It's pretty mind-blowing how simple it is to do this.
By the end of this course, you'll have learned how to set up your own Firebase Realtime Database, hook it up to your project, add data to the database, pull the data from the database in realtime, display it in your app (this one is magical), and finally, delete the data from the database.
In classic Scrimba fashion, there will be many challenges to keep you busy and ensure that you understand the material.
You'll finish with a good understanding of how the Firebase Realtime Database works and you'll be able to venture off on your own to discover all the other awesome features that Firebase has to offer.
Firebase is a set of cloud services that are very helpful for any kind of developer. Be it saving data in a database, uploading files, or using authentication. Firebase is owned by Google and is used by millions of developers around the world. In this course, we'll be learning about the Realtime Database that Firebase offers - a super simple database that is an absolute joy to work with.
You got me. It's true, what we'll be building is not a native mobile app. However, by using a special technique, we're going to turn our web app into something that looks and feels exactly like a mobile app. These kinds of apps are popularly referred to as PWAs or Progressive Web Apps.