Build an App with JavaScript and Dropbox
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Build an App with JavaScript and Dropbox

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The course creator Christian Jensen

with Christian Jensen

Course level: Intermediate

Learn to build apps that power content and collaboration with the Dropbox API

You'll learn

Dropbox Dev account

UI with Vanilla JS

Dropbox SDK basics

Get files

Display files

Work with thumbnails

Async/Await with ES6

Organise and move files

Dropbox API Cursor



Before taking this course, you should have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Here’s our suggested resources to get you up to speed.

Meet your teacher

The course creator

Christian Jensen

Jesus, Jams, JavaScript

Why this course rocks

Dropbox is a content and collaboration platform trusted by more than 500 million users and 300,000 teams. It also has an API which allows you to add Dropbox features to your apps, such as file storage, sharing, previews, and search.

One example of such an app is an expense organizer, which can help businessess prevent their receipts from turning into chaos. Each employee simply add their receipts to a Dropbox folder, and then the app takes care of organizing them.

In this course, you'll build this organizer app while learning the fundamentals of working with the Dropbox APIs. I'll It'll all be done in plain JavaScript, so no frameworks or libraries required. Along the way you'll also learn several ES6 concepts, like array methods and async/await functions.

About the instructor:

Christian Jensen is a web developer based in Utah. This is his first full-length course, though he's the previously created several popular tutorials on React Hooks on Scrimba, so we're happy to finally have him create a full course.

This course has been sponsored and paid for by Dropbox. To learn more about the Dropbox API, head to

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