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Find out how well you really know CSS with our bumper-pack of challenges. Recreate components and layouts from popular applications like Github, Codepen, and Instagram, and build loading animations, progress bars, flashcards and more using pure CSS!
This course contains 50 interactive scrims
Styling nested elements
Centering and alignment
Pseudo elements
Hover effects
Keyframe animations
Word carousel
CSS grid
Aspect ratio
CSS variables
Simple profile layout
Progress bars
Design matching
Build your own fun and colorful version of a Github Contributions graph.
Practice your layout prowess by building a simplified version of the Instagram stories menu.
Practice using the calc() function by building several country flags using pure CSS.
Before taking this course, you should have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS. Below is our suggested resource to get you up to speed.
Treasure has been working as a software engineer and teaching code since 2015, when she switched careers after attending a free local bootcamp. She tries to make every subject as simple and accessible as possible, and is passionate about affordable education and helping others break into the tech industry.
This hands-on course will guide you through engaging challenges covering a wide range of CSS techniques.
Along the way, you'll refresh and refine your knowledge of all the key CSS features, from transitions and pseudo-elements to hover effects, keyframe animations, and much more!
Looking for practical CSS experience? This course has that, too! You'll put your knowledge to the test by recreating instantly-recognizable components from sites such as Github, Codepen, and Instagram.
After completing each challenge, you'll compare your solution with the one provided by our in-house CSS expert. This experience is akin to pair programming, allowing you to learn from their expertise and gain valuable insights.
By the end of this course, you will not only have a comprehensive understanding of CSS but also have gained practical experience in recreating components from well-known apps from around the web. This knowledge will equip you to tackle any CSS challenge with confidence.
CSS knowledge at the ready? Let's get started.
This course offers a fun mix of educational CSS exercises and real world challenges where you’ll recreate components that exist in the wild. It’s for anyone who is comfortable with CSS and wants to practice and improve their skills.
No worries, you're here to learn! Teacher Treasure provides solutions to each challenge, so you can look at those for hints and guidance.
That's totally fine! There are so many ways to style using CSS. We provide solutions to help you in case you get stuck, but you’re free to solve the challenges in any way you’re comfortable— including Flexbox, CSS Grid, or any other means!