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Alpine.js offers the reactive and declarative nature of big frameworks like Vue or React at a much lower cost. This interactive course will teach you the basics in less than an hour.
This course contains 18 interactive scrims
Before taking this course, you should have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Here’s our suggested resources to get you up to speed.
Greetings! I’m Andre. I spend my days designing and developing web applications, and teaching about it. I specialize in the Laravel PHP framework on the backend, Vue.js on the frontend and Tailwind CSS for styling.
Follow me on twitterAre you looking for a quick way to add interactivity to a website without having to introduce a full-blown framework like Vue or React? Look no further!
Alpine.js offers you the reactive and declarative nature of big frameworks at a much lower cost. You get to keep your DOM and sprinkle in behavior as you see fit. Think of it like Tailwind for JavaScript!
This course will give you a quick introduction to Alpine.js via interactive coding challenges. The teacher is the eminent Andre Madarang, a full-stack web developer, and popular YouTube instructor.
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