// 1. Seperate Character into a seperate file
// and move the import from utils to the new file too
// 2. Import character at the top of this file
import characterData from "./data";
import { getDiceRollArray, sumArray } from "./utils";
function Character(data) {
Object.assign(this, data);
this.currentDiceRole = [];
this.rollDice = function() {
this.currentDiceRole = getDiceRollArray(this.diceCount);
return sumArray(this.currentDiceRole);
this.takeDamage =function(damage) {
this.health -= damage;
this.getDiceElementArray = function() {
return this.currentDiceRole.map((num) => `<div class="dice">${num}</div>`);
this.getTemplate = function() {
const { name, emoji, health } = this;
const diceElementArray = this.getDiceElementArray();
return `<div class="character">
<div class="name">${name}</div>
<div class="emoji">️${emoji}</div>
<div class="health">health: <b>${health}</b></div>
<div class="dice-container">
function render() {
document.getElementById(hero.elementId).innerHTML = hero.getTemplate();
document.getElementById(monster.elementId).innerHTML = monster.getTemplate();
const hero = new Character(characterData.hero);
const monster = new Character(characterData.monster);
document.getElementById("attack-button").onclick = function() {
const heroAttackScore = hero.rollDice();
const monsterAttackScore = monster.rollDice();